Towards Accurate Urban Scene Understanding using Point Clouds: The SemanticUrban Dataset

Towards Accurate Urban Scene Understanding using Point Clouds: The SemanticUrban Dataset

1Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University
2University of Liverpool

*Corresponding Author

#The dataset will be publicly available for download after peer review.
Teaser Image

Example point clouds from the SemanticUrban dataset: intensity values (left), RGB colors (middle) and class labels (right).


Point clouds are essential data representations of three-dimensional surfaces of real-world scenes and objects. With the recent developments in urban scene understanding, there is a substantial demand for semantic point cloud datasets that represent urban scenes with high semantic accuracy and fine semantic details. However, existing benchmark datasets of this kind are very limited, and their semantic information is either not accurate enough or lacks detailed semantic classification. In this paper, we present SemanticUrban, a large-scale high-resolution point cloud dataset acquired from 150 urban scenes using terrestrial laser scanning. SemanticUrban features super-high-resolution point clouds and highly accurate semantic categorizations, classifying each data point into one of 23 defined classes. We conduct extensive evaluations on SemanticUrban using representative deep learning methods, followed by a detailed discussion of our findings. Additionally, we highlight main challenges associated with the SemanticUrban dataset, motivating future research to develop new approaches for tackling these issues.

SemanticUrban Dataset Annotations

Examples of annotated point clouds from Semantic3D and SemanticUrban, visualized in the spherical coordinate system projection: (a) jagged labeling errors at the road and grass boundaries in Semantic3D, (b) accurately labeled object boundaries in SemanticUrban, (c) limited semantic categories in Semantic3D where poles, bicycles, and motorcycles are labelled into a single semantic category, (d) comprehensive semantic categories in SemanticUrban where bicycles, motorcycles, and others differently are categorized separately.

Annotation Examples



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The dataset and its documentation will be accessed and downloaded from the GitHub link after peer review: